Battery Liability Throughout the Life Cycle
Management of industrial batteries is not a trivial matter. As the volume of advanced, large-form factor batteries grows in the energy and transportation industries, the financial, environmental and reputational liability exposure increases. Batteries are potentially dangerous products that must be managed safely and responsibly throughout their life cycle; at the end of life, batteries are considered hazardous waste, and that requires even more careful handling.
Renewance is the one-stop solution for cradle-to-grave management of industrial batteries. We unburden asset owners from attempting to meet challenging regulatory obligations while simultaneously ensuring they maintain their company and personal reputations, especially as the batteries reach end of life and need to be recycled or repurposed. Our Renewance Connect™ platform offers relevant services throughout the life cycle of industrial batteries, allowing you to lift the tedious bookkeeping tasks from the shoulders of your internal team, while ensuring compliance and effective liability management.